Ron Jacobsohn meets the people behind the Pew Report on Jews in America
Although the numbers differ from poll to poll, there are an estimated six-and-a-half million Jews in the United States, making it the largest Jewish community ...

Ron Jacobsohn Joins British-Israeli Artist, Gabriel Klasmer, for a Tour at his New Exhibit
Israeli born, London-based artist, Gabriel Klasmer has had a very active international career showing his art at such prestigious venues as the Museum of Modern ...

Ron Jacobsohn meets Israeli and Palestinians who dare to go down to business
The World Economic Forum in Geneva has taken it upon itself to help business communities at odds to come closer to each other. So it ...

Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out What it’ll Take to get a Spanish Passport
After years of rumors of a public redemption by the Spanish people for what was done to the Jews during the inquisition, the Spanish government ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the 2014 Good Deeds Day Celebrations
Israel is in giving mode as the country celebrates 2014 Good Deeds Day with over a half a million volunteers in over 8000 projects from ...

Ron Jacobsohn Reports from the first Open Restaurants in Tel-Aviv
After a successful pilot earlier this year, Open Restaurants, is officially premiering in over seventy restaurants around Tel-Aviv and Jaffa with the top chefs in ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to People Close to Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, is celebrating his seventy-ninth birthday and later in the year it will be his tenth year as the head of the ...

Ron Jacobsohn talks to Dan Shapiro about the looming Peace Negotiations deadline
The board of governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI ), which consists of members from all five continents, are in Israel these days ...

Ron Jacobsohn is on the Set of the New Israeli Format Gameshow – The Big Picture
JN'1 Ron Jacobsohn is on the set of the new international Israeli format, The Big Picture, which is shooting right here in Tel-Aviv an English language ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends an Emergency Session of the Ambassadors Forum on Ukraine
The current situation in the Ukraine took centre stage as diplomats from over 30 countries came to have coffee and strategize about the future of the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Speaks to Experts about the Asian Invasion in the Israeli HiTech Industry
The latest Israeli Start-Up Exit of the popular messaging app, Viber, to a Japanese company definitely symbolizes a change in the fact that not only ...

Ron Jacobsohn attends the ceremony of Angela Markel’s Presidential Medal Bestowment
This was another major milestone in the relationship between the State of Israel and Federal Republic of Germany. President Peres conferring the Presidential Medal of Distinction ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Opening of the French Cuisine Week
Nineteen of France's top chefs have arrived in Israel to cook with nineteen local chefs contemporary French cuisine in six cities, from Beer Sheba in ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Big Show Promoters in Israel
2014 is shaping up to be a very fascinating year for international artists coming to perform here. Among the big names who have already confirmed ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the Young Jews of the Birthright Russia Tour
Celebrating their Jewish identity around one thousand youngsters from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have come to Israel on a birthright tour and tonight they will ...

Ron Jacobsohn reports from Ramallah: As President Abbas meets Israeli Students
A few thousand Israeli students applied on the Facebook page of pro-peace organization, One Voice, for a once in a lifetime experience to meet the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Discusses the Channel 9 Holocaust Controversy
Israeli Russian speaking television network, Channel 9, has shocked its viewers when they asked them to participate in a poll where they were asked the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the First Geek Awards
In Hollywood it's all about the Oscars and in Israel the organizers of the Geek Awards want to establish a new tradition in giving annual ...

Ron Jacobsohn Inquires About the Controversy of History Books Being Amended by the State
Days following the passing of Ariel Sharon, the israeli Ministry of Education issued a special advisory study material for schools to teach them about the ...

Ron Jacobsohn is at the INSS Israeli Security Conference
The international conference held by the Israeli National Institute for Security Studies is celebrating its seventh edition as it focuses this year on the new ...

Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out What Family Means to Israelis
In a country where over ninety-six percent of the couples are married and over forty percent of the population believes they should have at least ...

Ron Jacobsohn Investigates the Complex Jewish-Turkish Heritage
The over 500-years of history of the Jews in Turkey is brought to live at Bar Ilan University's conference - The Jews of turkey: identity ...

Ron Jacobsohn Learns about the Little Holocaust Survivors
As the world remembers the end of World War II, sixty-nine years ago, we came to the Ghetto Fighters Museum to learn about the little ...

Ron Jacobsohn Goes Backstage at the X-Factor Finale
Israel has once again proven to be the multi cultural society it wants to the world to know it is. Rose Fostanes, the Filipino caregiver ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Media Preview for the Masada Opera Festival
Returning to the lowest place on the face of the earth, the Israeli Opera Festival, is going to held this coming June at Masada for ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Israeli and Palestinians Film Critics about Omar
Some might say its serendipitous others might believe its art imitating life but fact is that both Israel and the Palestinian Authority choose as their ...

Ron Jacobsohn Discovers the True Meaning of Tu Bishvat
Little known fact is that the Jewish calendar traditionally has not one but four new years days, each with a different purpose. One for counting ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Ronit Tirosh about Ariel Sharon
Ariel Sharon was known as a brave general and a great leader but only very few people know his very humane side. One of those ...
Ron Jacobsohn Reports from the Hospital as Ariel Sharon Dies
Ariel Sharon, the eleventh prime minster and one of the founding fathers of the state of Israel has passed away after being in a come ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to the People Behind the Effort of Legalizing Cannabis
In this very pastoral Jerusalem neighborhood houses the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, which got a lot of media attention recently for an in-depth survey ...

Ron Jacobsaohn Meets the new Graduates of the Microsoft Accelerator
Microsoft Israel is celebrating the first year of its Start-Up accelerator program with 13 new Israeli companies launching at this festive event at the Jaffa ...

Ron Jacobsohn Ventures Beyond the Anti Israeli Boycott to Met Palestinians who work with Israelis
There is a lot of negative talk about the turbid relationships between the Jewish settlers and the Palestinians in the West Bank, however we found ...
Ron Jacobsohn Joins a Rally by the African Refugees in Israel
Almost the entire African refugee population in Israel showed up for a rally at Tel-Aviv's Rabin Square to protest the Israeli government's unwillingness to recognize ...
Ron Jacobsohn Visits the First English Language Radio Station in Tel-Aviv
There are around a quarter of a million Anglo-Saxons immigrants to Israel who sometimes seem to be a very dominant group, however until very recently ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to People on Rothschild Boulevard on Ariel Sharon
We are at Tel-Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard were we wanted to find out from some of the pedestrians how they will remember the legacy of Ariel ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Members of the World Media Covering Ariel Sharon’s Hospitalisation
We are at the Rehabilitation Unit at Tel-Hashomer Hospital to which many of the major news outlets have arrived in recent days to cover the ...
Ron Jacobsohn Enquires about the Demands of the Bedouins
We are at the Negev, in the southern part of Israel, which has been in the news in the last few weeks as members of ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Launch of Jamie Geller’s The Joy of Kosher
The Jerusalem Film Festival this year will also be the place where The Jewish Martha Stewart, Jamie Geller, is launching her new culinary web series, Joy ...
Ron Jacobsohn Visits the IDF Soldiers Art Exhibit
It might be a sign of the time, the IDF and the Association for the Wellbeing of Israeli Soldiers are presenting the first ever art exhibit ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends Al Monitor’s Anniversary Celebrations
The Al Monitor web portal claims to bring the real pulse of the Middle East as it brings together top journalists from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, ...

Ron Jacobsohn Checks-Out the Top 10 Photo Apps
There are almost thirteen-thousand photo apps on iTunes and Google-Play, however if you look closely out of the top-ten almost all of them originated from ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the 1st International Ladino Day
Ladino, which is also known as the Yiddish of the Sephardic Jews, has been spoken as far back as the middle ages. Although it has ...

Ron Jacobsohn Joins the JNF’s The Harvest and Seeds Program for Africa
The JNF/KKL has started a new initiative with catholic farmers from South Africa entitled "The Harvest and Seeds Program". A second mission has just arrived ...

Ron Jacobsohn Interviews Celebrity Icon Pnina Rosenblum
Pnina Rosenblum is probably the most well known Israeli socialite ever. As she is celebrating 40-years under the spotlight, she is starting yet another adventure ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the People behind the Gay Fathers Association
We are at the inaugural event for The Association of Israeli Gay Fathers, who has taken upon itself to assist the hundreds of gay families ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the People behind the Go4Europe Conference
A number of big investment companies in Israel decided to collaborate on a one-day conference to decipher together how to understand the business climate in ...

Ron Jacobsohn Explores the Old City of Jerusalem to Discover the Hanukkah Menorahs
It’s a cold Jerusalem night and we are on a quest to discover the most beautiful Hanukkah menorahs of the Old city. As we concluded ...

Ron Jacobsohn Explores the Many Varieties of Sufganiot for Hanukkah
At the Roladin factory by Netanya, every Hanukkah season, over three million Sufganiot are baked. A good enough reason to go check out what is the fascination with ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Groundbreaking of the new South Korean Embassy
This is the groundbreaking of the new Korean Embassy building in Herzliya. The Korean government is the first Asian government to purchase land to build ...

Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out the Meaning of Hanukkah
Hanukkah seems to always have a lot of symbolism attached to it. Interestingly it seems every generation of Jews has managed to interpret the Maccabee’s ...

Ron Jacobsohn is Behind-the-Scenes on the Set of Rising Star
We are on the set of the Rising Star, Keshet International’s new reality sensation that was already sold to Germany, France and Italy. Ron Jacobsohn, ...

Ron Jacobsohn Joins the Fact Finding Mission of the Jewish Colonization Association to the Dessert
The Arava Dessert in south of Israel is one of the countries most advanced areas technology wise at the same time as one of the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the Women Behind the Women of the Wall
The Women of the Wall are celebrating their 25th anniversary these days, as it finally seems their outcry has been heard by Israel's first secular ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Experts about Lieberman’s Political Future
Ron Jacosohn - JN Correspondent: Avigdor Lieberman's acquittal from any wrong doing, after almost 17-years of various allegations and investigations, has put the Israeli political ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets Paula Abdul on her Bat Mitzvah Trip to Jerusalem
Pop icon, Paula Abdul, became world famous as the judge on American Idol came to Israel in on what is called a very personal visit ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the MK’s Behind the Grandpa Knesset Project
We see them every day working tirelessly in the Israeli Parliament, but for a special project by photographer Baruch Greenberg they decided to open up ...
Ron Jacobsohn Checks-Out El-Al’s New Boeing 737-900ER Fleet
El-Al, the national carrier of Israel is renewing its fleet by adding 8 new Boeing 737-900ER planes, which are considered to date to be the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Opening of the Berlin Dayz
There is no doubt that we have come a long way in the last 60-years between the Germans and the Jews. And so, maybe, it ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the First IDC TedX
IDC in Herzliya decided they wanted to organize a TEDx event for their collage and so for one whole year they worked tirelessly and today ...

Ron Jacobsohn Discovers the Latest Israeli Innovations at the WATEC Convention
The Israeli water technology industry has been around almost as long as the state of Israel, however in recent years since Israel's entrance to the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Experts About the First Woman Governess of the Bank of Israel
Since Stanley Fisher left his post as the Governor of the Bank of Israel in July, finding a suitable successor has become a real fiasco ...

Ron Jacobsohn Investigates How Bad the Brain Drain is in the Israeli Academia
The recent announcement that the winners of the Nobel Price in Chemistry are two former Israeli scientists has spurred the conversation about brain drain and ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the JAFI Assembly
Over 400 delegates from all five continents of the world gathered this week to talk about issues concerning Israel and the world Jewry at the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
We are at the Sanherdria cemetery, where these moments Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, one of the greatest Rabbis of the State of Israel is being buried ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Israeli Academy Awards
The Ophir Awards, or the Israeli Academy Awards, is the official competition to what Israeli movie will go on to compete with around eighty films ...
Ron Jacobsohn talks to Celebs at The Congress Premiere
In the new Israeli-European co-production, The Congress, everything that you think can come true, so JN1 Correspondent Ron Jacobsohn dared to ask some of the ...
Ron Jacobsohn Discovers the TLV Farmers Market
This is the Tel-Aviv Farmers market, which once a week lets farmers from across Israel showcase and test their new brands and varieties to the public ...

Ron Jacobsohn Explores the Technology 2013 Trade Show
Technology 2013 which launched in Tel-Aviv is showcasing the latest israeli innovations to the over thirty-thousand visitors who have travelled from all around the world to ...

Ron Jacobsohn Discovers the New Orthodox Jewish Matchmaking Reality Show
Match Made in Heaven is not your average reality show, it is the first ever series in the world which got a reviling look into ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Israel Business Conference to talk to Experts about the Future of Israel
We are at the annual Israel Business Conference hosted by the Globes financial newspaper, where over 2000 business professionals from Israel get to discuss the ...

Ron Jacobsohn gets a Preview of the Jerusalem Biennale
Jerusalem is finally getting its Biennale this fall. As fitting for an event like that, it will focus on contemporary Jewish arts especially the kind ...
Ron Jacobsohn Visits a Shofar Factory
One of the most pinnacle points of the Jewish high holidays is the blowing of the Shofar, which happens no less than one hundred times ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to the People Behind the Israeli TV Formats
Somehow Israel has turned into a television format Mecca over the last several years with shows like Homeland, In Treatment and a slew of game shows like ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the People behind Yvel Jewelry
Some people are talkers and others are doers. Orna and Itzik Levi are one of doers. After creating one of the successful jewelry houses in ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Lighting of the Maccabiah Torch Ceremony
9,000 Athletes from over 80 countries around the world have gathered here in Israel to celebrate the 19th Maccabiah. The torch will be lit in ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Opening of the 30th Jerusalem Film Festival
The Jerusalem Film Festival is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a very contemporary line-up of films and acclaimed personalities like director Richard Linklater and Iranian ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the FC Barcelona Peace Tour
The Peace Tour has bought to Israel one of the most popular soccer teams in the world and thanks to the Peres Peace Centre they ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Final of the European Soccer Tournament
The ten-days of European Soccer euphoria that has taken Israel by storm is coming to a close with final match between Italy and Spain at ...
Ron Jacobsohn Talks to the German Team about their T-Shirt
When the German team to the UEFA U-21 arrived in Israel all of the country was surprised by the teams specially designed uniform, which proved ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends israel’s Big Match at the European Soccer Tournament
With very slight chances to progress to the next stage, the Israeli national team getting ready to what looks to be its final match in ...
Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Opening of the European Soccer Tournament
The day has finally come for Israel to host the largest international sporting event in the countries history, UEFA's Euro 2013. Ron Jacobsohn, JN1 Correspondent: The ...
Ron Jacobsohn Gets a Preview of the Soccer Tournament
UEFA has decided to hold it's Euro 2013 in four Israeli cities this June. It is going to be the biggest international sporting event ever hosted ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the Queen of Kosher
She is known as the Queen of Kosher around the world and almost 10-months ago she did the unthinkable and decided to move with her family ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Tel-Aviv Fast & Furious 6 Premiere
A red carpet premiere for a Hollywood blockbuster in Tel-Aviv is something we rarely get to see, however when one of the stars of the ...
Ron Jacobsohn Meets 93-year-old Holocaust Survivor, Dora Roth
Members of the Knesset’s Health and Welfare Committee were shocked into silence when an 83-year-old Holocaust survivor who lost patience with the proceedings blasted the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets Gospel Recording Artist, Paul Wilbur
Multi platinum Gospel recording artist, Paul Wilbur, arrived in Israel to finalize his investment in an Israeli start-up, Face to Zion, which has taken upon ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets IDF Commander Mona Lisa
This is the true heartwarming story about a girl whose parents foresaw her becoming beautiful and called her Mona Lisa. But she grew up to ...

Ron Jacobsohn attends the Global Anti-Semitism Forum
Over 500 participants traveled from 50 countries and 6 religions have gathered in Jerusalem to discuss a growing epidemic in way too many places: Antisemitism ...
Ron Jacobsohn Checks-Out Hotels Readiness for Passover
Preparation for Passover for a big five star hotel is no easy task. We visited some of Israel's popular hotels to see how they are ...
Ron Jacobsohn Visits the TLV Farmers Market
We are at the Tel-Aviv Farmers market which once a week lets farmers from across Israel showcase and test their new brands and varieties to ...
Ron Jacobsohn Learns How a Kosher Matzo is Made
Every year we eat matzo for Passover, but how many of you have actually seen how Matzo is prepared? From this factory in Kfar Habad matzos ...

Ron Jacobsohn Visits the SpaceIL Headquarters
This is the fascinating story of three young Israeli engineers who read the ad published by Google for their Lunar X-Price competition and swept a ...

Ron Jacobsohn Discovers the True Meaning of Passover
Passover is considered one of three most of the most important holidays in the Jewish calendar. There are extra steps to preparing for Passover that ...

Ron Jacobsohn attends the inaugural event of Intelligence² in Israel
The worlds leading debate club for the past decade is make Aliah to Israel as Intelligence² is holding its inaugural event with a heavy subject ...
Ron Jacobsohn with Barack Obama on his States Visit to Israel – Day 3
Obama’s three-day State Visit is coming to an end with very good results for both Israel and the United States, however before going away the ...
Ron Jacobsohn with Barack Obama on his States Visit to Israel – Day 2
600 lucky students from universities and colleges across Israel are attending the very anticipated Barack Obama speech at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, the ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to the People Behind Warsaw’s Jewish Institute for Heritage
The Polish government has decided to invest an unprecedented amount of money to remember Jewish History in the country at the Jewish Institute for Heritage ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Miss Israel Before her Audience with President Obama
As President Barak Obama is arriving in Israel and among all the high ranking government officials he is going to be introduced to is going to ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends his First Ever Torah Induction at the Kotel
This probably the most challenging project done in the Jewish world ever... 365,000 Jewish people on all five continent each contributed one letter to a ...

Ron Jacobsohn Speaks to Experts About the Natural Gas Controversy
The discovery of natural gas at the Tamar plant off the shores of Israel is potentially going have a life changing effect for Israel who ...
Ron Jacobsohn Meets the Women Candidates in Local Elections
The municipal elections are just around the corner and every candidate is trying to get noticed. The "We Power Foundation" decided to give the many ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Israeli American Council’s Big Debut
For the first the Israeli-American Council was invited to be part of the General Assembly of the Federation of Jewish Community, which adjourns every five ...

Ron Jacobsohn goes Behind the Scenes at the Israeli Eurovision Pre Qualifier Competition
It is Israel's fortieth year participating in the Eurovision Song Contest and IBA, the broadcaster who has been participating in the contest has decided to ...

Ron Jacobsohn Talks to Experts about the Gaza War Truce
Israel's assassination of a suspected terrorist responsible for the missile attack Eilat in Gaza is the first fatal attack since a November cease-fire between Israel ...
Ron Jacobsohn Joins Israel’s Political Elite at the Jerusalem Marathon
Twenty-Thousand runners from 52 countries from around the world gathered this week for the annual Jerusalem Marathon. Major, Nir Barkat, made a personal example and ...

Ron Jacobsohn Meets the First Ethiopian Miss Israel
The Miss Israel pageant has made history this week something you rarely expect from a competition that has been going on for sixty-three-years. 21-year old, ...
Ron Jacobsohn reports from the Purim Parade – Ad Lo Yada
Over 300,000 people from all around Israel came to the city of Holon, in the outskirts of Tel Aviv, to celebrate the biggest carnival of ...

Ron Jacobsohn Checks-Out the Latest Purim Costumes Trends
As every year when Purim comes upon us, the main task is to find the most original costume to make you stand out. We went ...

Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out Where Your Valentines Day Flowers Come From?
Chances are that when you received your flower bouquet for Valentines Day, the flowers in them were from Israel. Over 30-Million Israeli flowers hit flower ...

Ron Jacobsohn Commemorates International Holocaust Day in Auschwitz
Just before you enter the Auschwitz Concentration Camp you get a real "reality check"! There stands a mall with a H&M, Kentucky Fried Chicken and ...

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Anniversary Session of the EJP in Krakow
On the eve of its first anniversary, the 120 Jewish European Parliament members convened in Krakow, Poland to discuss burning Jewish issues in Europe. And with ...