Multi platinum Gospel recording artist, Paul Wilbur, arrived in Israel to finalize his investment in an Israeli start-up, Face to Zion, which has taken upon itself to unite the around 500-million Israel-supporting evangelists around the world under one unique social network.
Ron Jacobsohn, JN1 Correspondent:
Multi platinum Gospel recording artist Paul Wilbur arrived in Israel to finalize his investment in local start-up company, Face to Zion, which has taken upon itself to unite the around 500-million Israel-supporting evangelists around the world under one unique social network.
Paul Wilbur, Wilbur Ministries:
We have now taken significant funds, tens of thousands of dollars, from our own cooperation to invest in this start-up company here in Tel-Aviv, because as I see it, it feels like an extension of who we are and helps us also to reach out in the nations where we spend a lot of our time. It’s very exciting for us.
The start-up Wilbur has invested in was created by a group of Israeli entrepreneurs lead by Nir Arieli, who discovered the huge economic potential in the messianic evangelistic community.
Nir Arieli, CEO, Face to Zion:
Face to Zion is a tool, platform, that in three-clicks people can connect immediately and be part of a huge community and at the end will be also physically here with a physical presence. The monument is the mirror of the virtual world. Each one of the people who will upload their photo on the website will be able to see themselves on the wall in the real world at the monument made of glass in front of the Sea of Galilee and then when they will come to Israel, they will be able to see, to fell and to touch this beautiful monument. It will be 2-meters high and 10-meters length multiplied 10-times or 12-times.
Paul Wilbur, who was born to a Christian mother and a Jewish father, has always felt a strong connection to his Jewish side, although it is his followers as a Messianic minister which made him a household name internationally with millions of records sold, hundreds of thousands of people following his every move on Facebook and twitter and tenth of thousand of people who come to see him sing live at concerts, which he has already performed on all five continents.
Paul Wilbur, Wilbur Ministries:
I’ve been now to over 60-nations, I have a message that makes war against certain things: anti-Semitism for one, anti-Israel for another. I think Israel would be very encouraged to know that there are passionate lovers of Zion all around the world. You would be surprised even in the Middle East, I have been to Dubai. 7000 came to hear me in a Muslim country and the Kuwait 5 acres of land covered with people standing should to shoulder and I am singing songs of Zion and in Hebrew. I stand on a platform in front of Muslin nation and sing “Hine Matov u Mana’aim Shevet Achim Gam Yachad” are you kidding!!! In English, in Hebrew we sing about Jerusalem and it’s an amazing time right now but this is our passion and we are finding lost of open ears.
But before Wilbur left Israel he had to meet up with famous Israeli singer, David D’or, who has made an international name for himself performing six times at the Vatican in front of the pope, President Clinton, the King of Thailand and most recently President Obama. It has been Paul’s dream for some time to perform with D’Or.
David D’or, Israeli Singer:
We were in touch many years, but we never met each other actually, and this is the first time meet face-to-face and I am very much excited he is a great singer, great musician, as well, he writes beautiful melodies and today I had the honor to sing one of his beautiful melodies and I think the chemistry, you could see that we have, because I believe singing is something from the inside, from the heart, you know, so you can not fake it. If you are not there people will be able to recognize that. This is the first time I am learning this song, you know, I never heard it before and he just taught me but still I could feel that we speak the same language, the language of the heart.
Ron Jacobsohn, JN1 Correspondent:
Face to Zion is currently in its final beta stages and is hoping to launch officially by the end of the year.
For JN1 I am Ron Jacobsohn in Tel-Aviv.