Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Israeli Academy Awards

The Ophir Awards, or the Israeli Academy Awards, is the official competition to what Israeli movie will go on to compete with around eighty films from around the world for the honor to be nominated in the foreign language category at the Oscars in Hollywood.  Winning the competition has become a lot more thought after as in the past six years four winners of the Ophir Awards went on to be nominated for an Oscar, however none have yet to receive the highest honor to bring the Golden statue back to Israel. This year the five nominees for Best Movie at the Ophir awards are: Bethlehem, Hunting Elephants, Candies, Magic Men and Six Times.
Bethlehem the story of an Israeli secret service agent and a Palestinian collaborator won 6 Ophir Awards including Best Movies, which makes it the official Israeli entry for the Oscars.


About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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