Ron Jacobsohn reports from Ramallah: As President Abbas meets Israeli Students

A few thousand Israeli students applied on the Facebook page of pro-peace organization, One Voice, for a once in a lifetime experience to meet the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, for a Q&A session at the Muqata in Ramallah. Almost five months later, six buses filled with chosen students have made their way for the historic event.

In an attempt to defuse some of the more controversial questions, Abbas in an almost 45-minute speech ahead of the Q&A, addressed issues like his defiance to recognize Israel as a Jewish state something he sees no need for doing being he recognized Israel as a state, the fact that he won’t allow any Israeli setlers to stay in the future Palestinian State, that he believes that once an agreement with Israel will be reached the Hamas in Gaza will accept it as well, he sees the future of Jerusalem as a united city governed by both an Israeli and a Palestinian major, stating that claims he is an anti-Semite are totally false and finally critizing the Netanyahu government of not honoring the agreements reached with the previous Israel government making the PA start the negotiations from scratch.
Although the Israeli students did not receive the answers they expected to receive from the Palestinian President, the beginning of this process of talking directly to each other is a historic event by itself.


About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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