Ron Jacobsohn Reviews The Secret Life of Pets 2

Whereas the successful The Secret Live of Pets gave us an inside look of what our pets do when we are not around, the sequel goes a step forward to show us what our pets do when we take them with us on a vacation to an out of town trip.

Even though a few years have past in the story, the narrative is as heart trickily, tugged, cuddly and energetic as the first Illumination Studios flick was in 2016, plus a great add for the sequel, the very authoritative voice of Harrison Ford as “Rooster”.

The plot is funny and gives you plenty of heartwarming “ahh” moments with a more insight into the uncharted life of pets. Yet when you exit the theater there truly is not been a single moment that stays with you, and I want to clearly state here that I am a sucker for talking dogs movies! The script feels, at times, a bit rushed to get to the screen before the young audience that made the original such a big hit just before they will graduate into superheroes genre.

Let’s say this was not what I would have had in mind for the much anticipated sequel to the The Secret Life of Pets, yet it is still a great lovable and bubbly movie for an outing with the kids. All in all its still is deserving of a Thumbs Ups!

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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