Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Dark Phoenix

Just when you thought the X-Men franchise is dead, here comes a new and unexpected chapter in Dark Phoenix, the twelfth installment in the X-Men franchise, and maybe the re-birth of a whole new generation of the beloved characters.

Phoenix (aka Jean Grey) lives in 1992, where she interacts with younger versions of the better-known X-Men characters like Mystique, Cyclops and Storm. Then comes a freak accident that makes her into Dark Phoenix, the most powerful and unstoppable X-Men, to the point that (the younger) Charles Xavier proclaims her to be “too powerful”.

And like the original series, this movie too features an all-star cast of who’s who, that potentially can venture into their own movies. From our heroin portrayed by Sophie Turner (from the Game of Thrones fame) through Oscar winner, Jennifer Lawrence, Golden Globe nominee, James McAvoy, Oscar nominee, Michael Fassbender, Oscar nominee, Jessica Chastain and Critics Choice nominee, Tye Sheridan.

Simon Kinberg, wrote and directed this movie that either will stand as a beginning of something new or the end of something beloved. And (as we now have come to expect from Marvel movies) this movie is also two-hours-long. Dark Phoenix has caught me completely off guard and I actually really liked it, which gives me a pleasure to give it a Thumbs Up!

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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