Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Spiderman Far From Home

In this the eighth Spider-Man movie, it feels much like the franchise has finally taken a big leap forward. Tom Holland’s confidence as Peter Parker is felt in every one of the 129 minutes of the movie, he has literally grown up in front of our eyes and makes it an overall much more enjoyable superhero movie experience.

The plot sees Peter embarking on a class trip to Europe and he is very keen on his classmates not discovering his secret identity even when confronted by the ominous Elementals, destroying everything in their way.

Being this is actually a prequel happening in the eighties, it seemed like the perfect time to introduce a new superhero: Quentin Beck (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), an eagle-eyed evil-fighter with a fishbowl helmet filled with gas. Gyllenhaal is doing a fabulous job carrying a lot of the movie on his broad shoulders, being he is the mature actor here.

Now that we have eight movies in the franchise: three directed by Sam Raimi with Tobey Maguire, two directed by Marc Webb with Andrew Garfield, and two prequels directed by Jon Watts starring Tom Holland, we have enough movies to compare from and it is quite prevalent that the franchise is steering back to what was its original track of success.
Far From Home brings that kid-in-over-his-head hero urgency to it, which was missing from the flicks Andrew Garfield starred in. It is very fun to watch how with the current flick Spider-Man is slowly but surely getting worthy of being part of the glorious Marvel Universe and that’s something we haven’t felt in a while with the Spider-Man franchise.

Far from Home could almost be counted as the second-best Spider-Man movie, but only if it will usher in the next (new) chapter for Spidy. The movie has many references to previous Spider-Man flicks, which gives a sense of history the character was lacking in a long time. It feels fresh, cheeky, light, and very sweet, well deserving of a Thumbs Up.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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