Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Ron’s Gone Wrong

This is another incarnation of the difunctional robot who has a heart of gold type of story, from first-time British CGI studio, Locksmith Animation. Locksmith originally signed up with 20th Century Fox to produce animated features, but ended up producing the movie for a completely different studio, after Fox morphed into Disney.

The story is about Barney who wanted a B*Bot for his birthday, but somehow that memo didn’t get through to his dad who got him a rock collection kit. Hoping to mend things with his son, he rushes to the store to get the right toy only to discover that only B*Bot left is one that fell off the truck but going home without the coveted bot is not an option.

This is a classical boy and bot story, centers around the broken machine that will learn from his human owner everything from scratch. And with this new found friendship missing all the safety locks intact, this is going to be an exciting adventure for both.

The movie is exactly about that double-edged-sword of us teaching our little ones to be skeptical of retail products, then go and buy them gifts of the merchandize we teach them to hate.

The voice actors do a splendid job especially, Zach Galifianakis as robot Ron and Academy Award winner, Olivia Colman, as grandma.

Even though this flick wasn’t originally produced by Disney, you can be sure that under its patronage, Ron and his robotic misadventures surely are going find a sequel tp return to our lives, after a run at the retail stores for holiday merchandise.

Ron’s Gone Wrong has beautiful clean looking animation, is heartwarming, upbeat and very entertaining, although pushes just a tiny bit too much the fish-out-water shtick. Definitely worthy a family outing to the movie theatre. I very easily give it a THUMBS UP!.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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