This third reboot of The Mummy for Universal Pictures and a lot is riding on this big money-making machine for the studios being the franchise has already earned over a billion and a half dollars.
The star of the new The Mummy is Tom Cruise, who gets to fight an ancient Egyptian princess awoken from her tomb and now angry enough to want to take over the world, with the help of Mr. Cruise, if he wants it or not.
This 125-million-dollars budgeted movie is so heavy on the special effects it has almost but forgotten it wants to tell a story too. For Alex Kurtzman, big-budgeted effects-filled flicks are very new as a director, so maybe it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise he got lost between all the effects and the narrative. The one thing you can’t mistake is that this is a Tom Cruise driven vehicle. If you are a Tom Cruise fan, this shouldn’t bother you too much, as you should be used to it. Rumor has it that, Cruise had final approval on everything in this flick.
Universal is hoping to create a trilogy of this reboot, which it entitled Dark Universe, yet it will all depend on how well it will fair at the box office if the studio will keep pouring money into it. The studio needs a new blockbuster franchise but it remains to be seen if the rebooted The Mummy will fill that void.
I was somewhat entertained but not enough, so I heavy-heatedly have to give it a Thumbs Down.