Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Jason Bourne

This is the fifth Bourne Identity movie in the franchise and the first starring Matt Damon since 2007, even though he did say back then that he was done with the franchise.
You gotta learn from 007: NEVER SAY NEVER…
Jason Bourne can be viewed as both the most important and least important movie in the series. Important because details about Bourne’s backstory are being reviled yet for those who maybe have not seen any of the other movies it’s a mediocre action flick which leaves you kinda confused what this is all about.
No one can deny this is a fun and entertaining movie, yet this is also the return of Matt Damon to the franchise you wanted to be awe struck.
Bourne Identity also kills off two of the major characters of the series and replacing one with very sexy Swedish Oscar winner, Alicia Vikander. The new dynamic created in movie, as a result, makes you think maybe this franchise has just gotten a new lease on life…
This movie gets a “Thumbs in the Middle” from me.


Clips courtesy: Universal Pictures

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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