Ron Jacobsohn Tours the Old City of Jerusalem on a Night of Slicot

Ron Jacobsohn Tours the Old City of Jerusalem on a Night of Slicot

The Jewish penitential poems and prayers or the Slichot are a very important part of the preparation for the Jewish High Holidays. Weeks before the holidays commence Jews all over the world wake up extra early to start the prayer ritual in which they ask for God’s repentance. We are here starting our tour of the old city in Jerusalem to experience how Jews practice their Slichot. It is the aspiration of every Jew wherever he is in the world to come pray at the holiest of holiest for Jews the closest to where temple once stood over two-thousand years ago and this is even more significant in time of the Slichot.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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