Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Vice

When I first heard they’re making a comedy about Dick Cheney, immediately it felt like a beginning of a very bad joke, yet when I learned that the movie is going to be directed by Adam McKay, who just two years ago brought us the memorable mortgage crisis comedy, “The Big Short”, and that he convinced his star, Christian Bale, to portray the former Vice President… I became curious…

If you are expecting a two-hour-plus Oscar biopic, this is not that movie. It’s a wild (vicious) black comedy, which tells the story of Dick Cheney, but in a very hateful kind of way. “Vice” is a portrait of a man who’s greed for power overtook his life.

The flick has an all a-lister cast including Amy Adams as Lynne Cheney, Sam Rockwell as President George W. Bush, Steve Carrell as Donald Rumsfeld, Tyler Perry as Colin Powell and Academy Awards winner, Christian Bale, in an electrifying portrayal of the 46th Vice President of the United States. And yes, he is very much deserving of all the awards attention he is receiving these days. It will be quite fascinating to watch if Bale is going to give Bradley Cooper (“A Star is Born”) a run for his money in the best actor category this awards season. The one thing which is certainly going to give the movie an advantage, with academy voters, is going to be how much liberal Hollywood detests the current Republican President.

It’s not quite clear what director, Adam McKay, is trying to accomplish for the audience to take away, whatever it might be, it is likely not going to stain Cheney’s legacy, as most the events portrayed in the movie are generally common knowledge.
“Vice” is very entertaining (and horrifying at the same time), I am giving it a big THUMBS UP!!!

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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