Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Transformers: The Last Knight

Hasbro’s Transformers are back for their fifth outing on the big screen. I won’t try to explain the storyline because truly it is almost impossible to formulate, the scenes pass by so fast you almost have a hard time grasping whatever is happened in them, yet you kinda feel guilty that at the end of the day you can’t really hate this flick.

Mark Wahlberg is back, creating a bizarre hostile sexual chemistry with his British co-star, Laura Haddock, and yes, Josh Duhamel is back too, if you were worried he would sit this one out.

Director, Michael Bay, is unique in that he has not given up on Transformers, most directors we know directing franchises are done after two or three flicks the most, but not Bay. He is back directing yet another scenario of how our planet was almost a goner yet it was saved again heroically and what’s unique to Bay, always with a bit of a sense of humor.

So should this franchise be done after this fifth installment? Bay and Wahlberg sounded very fatalistic when talking to the press, so it probably will all come down to how much the movie will make at the box office…

Although I should’ve probably hated Transformers: The Last Knight, it’s such a visual thrill ride you just can’t stop watching therefore it still gets a Thumbs Up from me.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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