Ron Jacobsohn Reviews The Art of Racing in the Rain

Every dog owner has at some point looked into his k-9’s eyes and wondered what they were thinking? Hollywood too has had its love affair with our four-legged friends trying to give us an insight into what they are thinking. Just think about movies like Marley & Me, A Dog’s Purpose, the Air Buds movies, The Secret Life of Pets, Isle of Dogs to Look Who’s Talking Now to name a few. In The Art of Racing in the Rain, we follow Seattle-based race car driver Denny Swift and his Golden Retriever companion, Enzo, who serves as the narrator of the story. And Enzo knows how to tell a story, there is not going to be a dry eye in the audience by the end of this flick, that is one thing you can definitely count on. While The Art of Racing in the Rain is no masterpiece, its heartwarming, cute, and sweet with life lessons that everyone can relate to and it’s safe for kids and adults alike. It’s as Hollywood mainstream that can be, but honestly who can resist a cute dog movie… although I shouldn’t… I am giving it a Thumbs Up!

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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