We have seen many time machine flicks, yet this one tries to bring a new twist. In Reminiscence, Lisa Joy, aka Mrs. Christopher Nolan, cinematic directorial debut, she brings a story (that she also wrote) of what a journey down memory lane and how it may affect our present.
No-more Mr. Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, goes back to his romantic chops in this sci-fi film noir love story, running a business that sends his customers to their past. His life is turned upside down when a beautiful woman wants his help to help her close some gaps in her past.
Reminiscence does strike a chord regarding nostalgic yearning, as Jackman’s character so wisely says: there is nothing more addictive than the past. And yet although this might come across as a romantic flick, the end turns out to be very disappointing, so be warned.
By the end of “Reminiscence,” you feel like you have watched a bit too much of the inner lives of people to last you for a lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this flick, its writing is almost unpackable with including so many bits and pieces of other genre movies, however at then end of the day it doesn’t really deliver. I’ll give it a Thumbs in the Middle for trying.