Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Only the Brave

We are in one of the fiercest battles for control of the box office (and the TV ratings) between the superheroes and the real-life heroes. On TV the battle has not been won yet by either side, however, at the box office, the superheroes are clearly ahead in the race. Only the Brave is now trying to change the tide towards the real-life heroes.

Not really sure why, but real-life heroes flicks tend to generate less interest with audiences in recent years, yet with a stellar cast that includes Josh Brolin, Jeff Bridges, and Jennifer Connelly, Only the Brave just might wow audiences over.

This is the true-life story of the heroic unit of local firefighters in Arizona, who have overcome all odds to become one of the most brutal fires in modern-day history.

Similar to Michael Bay, director Joseph Kosinski, is very much influenced by his earlier career in the world of commercials when directing this flick, which at times felt like one big commercial.

Only the Brave is a very fitting tribute to the 19 firefighters of the Prescott Fire Department who perished in the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and Sony Pictures, who produced the movie, surely hopes the flick will resonate with Oscar voters once they decide who they want to see in the running for this coming awards season. I liked the movie a lot and give it a Thumbs Up.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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