Ron Jacobsohn Reviews Angel Has Fallen

Is third time a charm for Gerard Butler as Secret Service agent, Mike Banning, saving the President of the Untied States?
After Aaron Eckhart portrayed the Prez in Olympus Has Fallen (in 2013) and London Has Fallen (in 2016), in Angel it is now time for a (real) Oscar winner to step in: Morgan Freeman is THE president… not that God forbid the flick was elevated by his presence to anything else but just another Bourne knockoff!

This feels like a typical throwaway piece. By the time it’s over, it’s already fallen from your memory. It will keep you entertained for a couple of hours on an August night, and if that’s all it’s aiming for. Mission accomplished.

Angel Has Fallen plays out exactly as you would expect it to from the beginning to the end. There seems to be no thrill to this thriller. Nor is there any nuance to the characters. It has cliched action scenes once-made very popular by TV.

At some point you begin to think you’re bearing witness to something utterly preposterous. I know it’s gonna make a gazillion dollars and everybody is going to love it yet I still have to give it a Thumbs Down!



About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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