Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out What Experts Believe Will be the Fate of Iran in Ruhani Era

Ron Jacobsohn Finds Out What Experts Believe Will be the Fate of Iran in Ruhani Era

So who is Hassan Rouhani, the new President of Iran? So we know he’s a cleric, a moderate and multi-lingual; speaking English, German, French, Russian and Arabic. He presents himself as a voice of reason. He took swipes at the Basij, the Islamist “morality police” who go around asking women to veil up.  He’s spoken about releasing political prisoners, and lifting Internet censorship and finally he has been educated in the west, in Glasgow to be precise, and is very proud of it. JN1 called upon some of our experts to share with us their thoughts of what is going to happen next in Iran and what they think of the new president elect.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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