Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Premiere of the Ultra Orthodox Series, Shtisel

Ron Jacobsohn Attends the Premiere of the Ultra Orthodox Series, Shtisel

Israeli satcaster, YES, produced a new fascinating dramatic series that shows us a glimpse into the mostly unknown inner world of the ultra Orthodox Jews of Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim.
Ayelet Zurer, the star of “Shtisel”, has spent the past decade in Hollywood where she starred in movies like Munich, Angels and Demons and most recently The Man of Steel. Zurer admits she couldn’t work only in Hollywood because Israel is where the heart is.
The stars of “Shtisel” all admitted that the process of learning their characters took them to places they themselves didn’t always knew existed in Israel but that the most fascinating thing for them was that as much as they were curious about the orthodox world those religious Jews they met were curious to learn about the secular world that was completely foreign to them.

About Ron Jacobsohn

World renowned, award winning, correspondent, Ron Jacobsohn, brings from his very entertaining world to Ron's World.

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