Ron Jacobsohn Attends the 2014 Good Deeds Day
Doing good to others is something very significant in the Jewish tradition it’s called a mitzvah that’s why when philanthropist Shary Arison came up for the Good Deeds Day the whole country followed suit.
The thousands of volunteers gathered already in the early hours of the day to be allocated to where they will be sent to do good. Some went to prepare sandwiches for the needy, others went to schools to teach kids to knit and in return some retirees got to learn from the young ones how to use a computer and surf the internet and were invited for a live performance of favorite songs just mention a few of the events. In a recent poll it was revealed that almost 20 percent of Israelis volunteer for various causes on a regular basis. The idea of the Good Deeds Day is to encourage more to follow suit and from the looks of it it’s working as around 400 thousand people around Israel participated in special events held for the Good deeds day.