Ron Jacobsohn Asks Experts What they Think of the Proposed Haredim IDF Draft
When the State of Israel created, then prime minister, David Ben Gurion ushered the status quo between the orthodox and seculars in the newly formed country. He gave the around 500 families of ultra orthodox Haredi citizens a waver not to serve in the Israeli army in order to entrust their support in the Jewish state. In recent years many voices in the Israelis society have spoken out about changing the status quo especially due to the fact that the orthodox community has now grown to around 700-thousand and is seen as leaching off state money when they don’t contribute back to society. In the recent election the Yish Atid party ran on a platform of the equality of the burden, which meant amongst others, enlisting all orthodox Jewish men to army like every citizen in the country. The Netanyahu government has recently approved the new draft law and now everyone is anxious to see when and how it will be implemented. We asked our experts what they think is going to happen next.