JBS News Update
Anchored by Ron Jacobsohn from January 6th, 2014
Today Headlines:
– Jonathan Greenblatt named as the new head of the Anti-Defamation League.
– A new wave of terror attacks around Israel dubbed the Jerusalem Intifada.
– Malcolm Hoenlein says there’s no viable partner so long as Abbas is in power.
– The PCPO poll claims 50% of Palestinians foresee a violent confrontation with Israel.
– Ed Miliband calls upon a zero tolerance policy against Anti-Semitism in the U.K.
– Lawsuit of parents who claim their kids were victims of Anti-Semitism will proceed.
– El-Al enters a code sharing agreement with U.S. carrier, JetBlue.
– Director Yael Parlov working on the documentary on the last years of David Ben-Gurion