Reporter Packages

Ron Jacobsohn Reports from the first Open Restaurants in Tel-Aviv

After a successful pilot earlier this year, Open Restaurants, is officially premiering in over seventy restaurants around Tel-Aviv and Jaffa with the top chefs in local culinary scene opening their inner sanctuary, their kitchens, to the wide public. There were thousands of participants from all around Israel, in the 3-day events of Open Restaurants, with the 70 establishments taking part …

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Ron Jacobsohn Talks to People Close to Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, is celebrating his seventy-ninth birthday and later in the year it will be his tenth year as the head of the Palestinian Authority. JN1’s Ron Jacobsohn went to talk to some people who know the President intimately to find what we don’t know about him and does he have within him what it takes to be the …

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Ron Jacobsohn talks to Dan Shapiro about the looming Peace Negotiations deadline

The board of governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI ), which consists of members from all five continents, are in Israel these days for their Management meetings, got a unique opportunity to hear first-hand from the people at the negotiating table about what is going on at the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations… And Ron Jacobsohn got an exclusive invite …

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Ron Jacobsohn is on the Set of the New Israeli Format Gameshow – The Big Picture

JN’1 Ron Jacobsohn is on the set of the new international Israeli format, The Big Picture, which is shooting right here in Tel-Aviv an English language pilot with the renowned Australian host, Andrew Osher Günsberg. Most Israeli formats who are sold internationally internally have a proven track record on local television, the Big Picture is trying to do something new by first …

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Ron Jacobsohn Attends an Emergency Session of the Ambassadors Forum on Ukraine

The current situation in the Ukraine took centre stage as diplomats from over 30 countries came to have coffee and strategize about the future of the country, as The 10th Bar Ilan Ambassadors Forum convened. It’s hard to determine if the winning formula for the crisis in the Ukraine is going to come out of this forum, but what is certain is getting …

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